Church Discipline

"Sadly, church discipline is often not performed according to the Scriptures." Jack Hughes, Founder of Driven Nails.

Church Discipline

Church Discipline is a necessity in any church that desires to follow the pattern of the New Testament church. But if not done according to the Word of God, it can lead people astray.

You are encouraged to read each of these articles IN ORDER to understand the flow of this whole website. This is based on my personal experience and mentions actual names.

The New Testament clearly instructs churches of the need to carry out church discipline.

How church discipline is carried out is essential if we are to be obedient to the Head of the Church.

There are multiple reasons for carrying out church discipline. Each one is important.

Unless the Word of God is followed, church discipline can be easily abused. Serious harm is the result.

Here are a few examples of church discipline gone wrong. Compare these examples to the Scriptures.

Oftentimes the members of a church will follow their leaders without comparing their actions to the Bible.

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